Classes at Umoja are taking off this week. My classes are slow to start, but apparently that's what it's like being the new teacher on the block. To start, we are working on some collaborative projects cutting and folding paper.
I'll post some pictures to update you on that process as we go.
In other news, I finally went to the central market to buy some produce. It's an overwhelming place that feels more like a stock market than a farmers market. Regardless, I managed to talk the cost of a head of cabbage down from 1,700 shillings to 1,000 - still a bit expensive, but I think adequate for the first try. I've also discovered that the best time to eat mango is around 3pm. I cut it and split it with Fatma, my oldest new friend at Umoja. We scarf it down in a matter of minutes and find our strength and mental prowess renewed.
After making some purchases at the hardware stores in town, the art room seems comfortably stocked.
the work table in the art room
my washing from last sunday!
view from the performance space
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